In these days lot of boat owners
are suffering from pink stain on boat
seats. Pink stain is a type of bacteria which grow inside of seats and
cushion. This bacteria produced by a bacterium named Streptoverticillium reticulum. That infiltrates boat upholstery between the top layer of foam and underside
of vinyl. This bacteria not wiped or removed with any of the cleaner.
There is not any permanent solution of this. It’s only remove through by
changing old seats with new one. But
to replace the boat seats is very expensive and time consuming Mainly these pink stains grows in moisture and in water. These
bacteria required three conditions to grow water, food and warmth which is
mainly presents on all boats. The boats whose cushions, seats are wet for a
long period and weather is warm there pinking grow double.
Gestalt Scientists, a group of scientist,
engineers and business man who suffered from pink stains on boat seats. They
created pink away system which removes pink stain from boat seats. Created two
types of pink away solution one is pink away home solution and the other is commercial pink away solution.
Commercial pink away is done by
specialists or certified boat dealers. By this process a special light known as
a Halotron that works in tandem with a chemical agent that’s applied in
affected areas. It takes 60 minutes to remove a stain from a spot. In
home solution they provide a cartage which cover 6-7 square inch area.
Usually you can treat 1-2 seats and cushion with one cartridge. But this pink
away system only works in white vinyl seats and in other colored seats it fades the
color of the seats.
For more information or want to purchase the pink away system you can visit Gestalt Scientific Corporation at
16541 Redmond Way #303 Redmond · WA 98052 · USA
or contact at : 888-314-6882.