Pink stains vinyl boat seats is a main problem on light colored vinyl. It mainly appears on boat seats and covers in the form of pink color. The streptoverticillium reticulum bacteria causes pink stain on boat seats. These bacteria grow under the vinyl and most of bacteria grow in warm environment and in the wet boat seats. This bacteria grow as microorganisms is starting to grow. It requires water, food and warm environment. When seats are wet they get water, from seats, PVC the lotion is applied they get food and warm environment also provide food source that helps to grow bacteria in vinyl boat seats. Pink mold on boat seats not removed with any vinyl cleaner. It will fade lightly with any cleaner, but not removed properly. Pink stain also occurs in vinyl flooring, roofing and other areas where light colored PVC gets in contact with moisture.
To remove pink stain from boat seats or cushions there is lots of vinyl cleaner available, but that is not removed these vinyl cleaner properly. To remove you ensure your seats always stay dry. Gestalt scientific created a pink away vinyl cleaner which removes these stains permanently also gives new look to your boat seats and covers. They created a PinkAway home solution which is applied in direct sunlight by boat owners. And the second one is commercial halotron pink away solution which is sold to boat sellers, or service providers. It is applied to Halotron light which is used by a chemical agent applied at pink stain. This method only applied by professionals. To buy Pink away solution or want to know more about the product contact us today at 16541 Redmond Way #303 Redmond - WA 98052, USA Phone: +1-888-314-6882 or visit our website